Christine Esoldo, Designer in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Christine is available for hire
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Christine Esoldo

Verified Expert  in Design

UX Researcher and UX & Visual Designer

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Toptal Member Since
March 14, 2016

Christine is a multidisciplinary creative UX designer with skills in illustration, copywriting, and branding who holds an MFA in product design. She has 15 years of experience at companies like CrowdStrike, Lowe's Home Improvement, The Hershey Company, and Dell. She uses design thinking processes to discover user needs, define value and fit with proofs-of-concept and MVPs, and iteratively improve and redesign products through testing and experiments.


Work Experience

Director, UX and Product Design

2019 - PRESENT
  • Led the UX and design strategy for the product design system, including roadmap, priorities, and execution.
  • 重新设计UX设计师的招聘和面试工作流程,以更好地支持团队的整体发展计划.
  • Led, managed, 并聘请了一流的用户体验团队来创造行业领先的网络安全体验.
Technologies: Miro, Jira, Confluence, Figma, Zeplin, Adobe CC

Product Strategist | User Experience Consultant | Graphic Designer | Illustrator

2016 - PRESENT
Christine Esoldo Design
  • Designed a HIPAA-compliant communication app for the healthcare market.
  • Redesigned the user interface, including the branding for a client management enterprise SaaS product.
  • 为一家初创公司创建并实施了一个用户研究参与者招募计划,为敏捷设计过程建立一个内部数据库. 在不到三个月的时间里,数据库发展到600多名合格的参与者.
  • Led creative direction, project planning, 还有一种鞋垫和相应的移动应用程序的产品验证研究策略,这种应用程序可以增加人们的活动能力,防止因健康状况不稳定而跌倒.
  • Mentored students in the Springboard.在他们研究和设计一个应用程序或网站的过程中. 帮助学生完善作品集和简历,为用户体验领域的求职做准备.
  • Led the UX and UI design for a responsive app for artists and performers, including the information architecture, a function for searching and browsing, profiles, and the booking/scheduling function.
  • 在Squarespace平台上创建了一个跑步/生活方式的个人博客,设计了logo和品牌标识, created original content (photography, graphics, and writing), and worked with brands via various sponsors and ambassadorships.
  • Audited the UX, 为眼科医生和患者设计了一个医疗保健应用程序的用户界面, and developed recommendations for improvement.
  • Designed the user interface improvements based on the audit.
Technologies: Google Drive, WordPress, Squarespace, Trello, Slack, RealtimeBoard, Mailchimp, User Interviews, Lookback, Zeplin, Protowire, Craft CMS, InVision, CSS, HTML, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Figma, HubSpot

Senior User Experience Manager

2016 - 2019
Quest Software (formerly Dell Software)
  • 建立并领导整个信息管理业务部门的用户研究流程,为产品战略和用户体验决策提供信息. Oversaw the work of researchers and designers conducting their research projects.
  • Led the creative direction, including visual design, interaction patterns, illustrations, brand style, 为电子商务SaaS网站重新设计并创建了跨业务部门产品的连贯品牌.
  • Led the iterative testing and ongoing evaluation of product updates, feature releases, and new products within design sprints (Agile). 使用各种研究方法来验证设计假设并发现新知识.
  • Managed a cross-functional UX team in an agile environment; managed processes and workflows for research and technical documentation.
  • 领导用户体验和视觉设计,为主要业务单位网站的概念验证重新设计. Created the workflows, interaction patterns, and original illustrations.
  • 为一个新的基于云的数据库复制SaaS设计了整体外观和交互模式(包括模式库).
  • 通过市场探索和以用户为中心的设计过程,管理和领导新产品的研究和产品策略(和验证)工作.
  • Redesigned the workflow for software downloads, 是什么使转化率提高了400%,并使整个业务部门超额完成了年度财务目标.
  • 创建风格指南和设计系统,包括各种产品组的文档.
Technologies: Lookback, Validately, Zapier, Mailchimp, HubSpot, Trello, Confluence, Jira, Slack, Sketching, MURAL, Frontify, UXPin, InVision, Adobe, Sketch

Manager, User Experience Research and Strategy

2013 - 2015
  • 作为公司第一位用户体验研究员和策略师——引入并建立定性发现方法, iterative testing processes, and UX activities (sketch sessions, content audits, mind-mapping, and task flows).
  • 重新设计了福利管理产品——这一流程成为了全欧博体育app下载设计流程的新标准.
  • 创建了一个预算和人员编制提案,并通过增加三名团队成员来扩大UX研究团队(在一个非常注重预算的组织中).
  • 创建了一个参与者招募计划,将参与者从0人增加到400人. Conceptualized and launched the "Design Together" program, which is still used today as the company's overall approach to UX and design.
  • 领导研究(竞争分析和迭代设计测试)和信息架构,重新设计密码恢复工作流程,使客户服务呼叫量减少60%.
  • Conducted workshops and presented at conferences on UX-related topics, establishing the company as a thought leader and UX innovator.
Technologies: SurveyMonkey, Optimal Workshop, Sketch, Adobe, InVision

UX Researcher | UX Architect

2012 - 2013
Lowes Home Improvement
  • 领导一个新成立的研究团队,为洞察力驱动的战略和设计开发新的标准和流程.
  • Increased category page engagement (clicks, conversions, and sales) by creating UX design standards and UI templates backed by research, including eye-tracking, surveys, A/B and multivariate testing, and web stats analysis.
  • 对主页进行了广泛的研究和分析,并制定了整体的UX设计策略, implementation, and A/B testing.
  • Redesigned the credit pages/experience on the site based on usability testing, web stats, and experiments that increased credit card sign-up conversions.
  • Redesigned the accessible home section of the site.
技术:IBM Coremetrics, Tobii眼动仪,用户测试,Adobe, OmniGraffle

Knowledge Management Specialist

2011 - 2012
The Hershey Company
  • Established and managed the process to migrate, optimize, and edit site content.
  • Created tasks and plans for usability testing during the agile development cycle.
  • 设计一个用户登录活动,让用户熟悉网站并产生兴趣.
  • Designed user interface and navigation; updated and optimized slide decks (PPT) with appropriate content and graphics and added them to the website.
Technologies: Liferay, Alfresco, Adobe

Director of Marketing and Communications

2010 - 2011
Synapse Marketing Solutions
  • 改变和重定向企业营销策略,从基本的直接邮件和电子邮件到数据驱动, robust content marketing strategy that included white papers, articles, social media, email marketing, and blog posts.
  • Rebranded the company to support its change in business direction (logo, color palette, mission/vision/core values, and website).
  • Gave creative direction and strategy for client brands and website builds.
  • 推出了公司的社交媒体营销计划,并制定了社交媒体指导方针.
Technologies: Adobe

Creative Writer

2007 - 2010
Phoenix Contact
  • 作为精益六西格玛团队的用户体验设计师和内容策略师,构建了一个内部项目管理应用程序,从而改善了沟通和生产力.
  • 为电子邮件,网页,白皮书和在线案例研究制作图形设计.
  • 创建多个跨媒体广告活动(视频、印刷、电子邮件、社交、贸易展览等).
  • 领导一个跨部门团队推出了一个有针对性的电子邮件营销计划,该计划将转化率提高了50%以上.
  • Managed email campaign lifecycle, including scheduling, A/B testing, monitoring performances, reporting statistics, and recommending improvements.
Technologies: Web Trends, Listrak, Adobe

Marketing Communications Specialist

2005 - 2007
HVAC Distributors, Inc.
  • Managed the website redesign project (as of 2007), including UX, content strategy, interaction design, information architecture, and visual design; created sketches, wireframes, and sitemap; and worked with a web developer in the implementation.
  • Created the graphic designs for all marketing materials.
  • 设计了一个经销商广告方案,简化了整个流程,为客户节省了资金.
Technologies: Adobe
2021 - 2021

Continuing Education Certificate in Graphic Design, 4.0 GPA (in Progress)

RISD Continuing Education - Rhode Island School of Design - Remote/online

2020 - 2021

Undergraduate Certificate in Illustration. 4.0 GPA (expected completion December 2021)

Sessions College - Remote/online

2008 - 2012


Academy of Art University - San Francisco, CA, USA

2001 - 2003

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism, Magazines (Graphic Design and Writing)

Temple University - Philadelphia, PA, USA


UX Management Strategy and Tactics

Interaction Design Foundation

APRIL 2021 - APRIL 2024

Social and Behavioral Researchers

CITI Program, A Division of BRANY

Collaboration That Works

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