Rafaela Sinopoli, Designer in Biarritz, France
Rafaela is available for hire
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Rafaela Sinopoli

Verified Expert  in Design


Biarritz, France
Toptal Member Since
May 9, 2016

Raf是一位高技能的UI/UX设计师和插画师,拥有13年以上与不同公司合作的经验, including renowned industry leaders such as MIT, Deloitte, and Schneider Electric. 具有解决复杂设计挑战的良好记录, Raf与美国和欧洲的许多初创公司合作开发了尖端的数字产品,这些产品引起了风险投资家的极大关注,并在全球范围内获得了广泛的用户采用.


Work Experience

Lead UX/UI Designer (via Toptal)

2024 - 2024
iCompare LLC
  • Led the UX/UI design of the B2C tool MVP, 通过战略合作确保与客户的愿景保持一致.
  • 与开发人员和产品经理合作,设计实用的解决方案,增强MVP的可用性和整体吸引力.
  • 应用实用的用户体验原则,将概念转化为用户友好和有吸引力的设计.
Technologies: UX Design, UI Design, Design Leadership, Figma

Product Designer

2023 - 2023
  • Created high-fidelity, customizable designs for the mini-golf app, 保证对各种迷你高尔夫场地的适应性,强调人性化的导航.
  • 应用移动网页设计专业知识升级平台,实现最佳移动交互, significantly enhancing user accessibility and engagement.
  • Designed an engaging user interface for the mini-golf app, 将直观的设计元素与可定制的功能相结合,以增强整体用户体验.
Technologies: Mobile Design, Figma, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), UX Design, Web UX, Branding, Product Design

Product Designer

2023 - 2023
Si Hyun Wei
  • 领导了一个富有成效的头脑风暴会议,为应用程序产生创新的功能想法, fostering creativity and novel concepts.
  • Developed comprehensive user personas and flows, ensuring a deep understanding of the user journey and needs.
  • Conducted market research on existing sustainability apps, analyzing their tone, features, and offerings. 利用这些数据来制定从竞争中脱颖而出的替代方案.
Technologies: iOS, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), UX Design, iOS UI Design, Mobile App Design, iOS App Design, Mobile Design, Branding, Brand Logos, Product Design

Product Designer

2023 - 2023
  • 作为MetaEngine数字资产市场UI/UX设计团队的一员, aimed specifically at game developers. 我的工作包括强化用户从浏览到购买游戏资产的过程.
  • 设计了强大的和用户友好的上传资产流,为艺术家贡献到市场, 考虑到资产类型的多样性,如3D/2D模型, sound, music, plugins, templates, VCX, etc.
  • Presented design drafts and prototypes to stakeholders, 收集并整合反馈以进行迭代改进.
Technologies: Figma, Jira, Web UX, Web3, Web App UI, Rapid Prototyping, Startups, Creative Services, Creative Direction, Design Systems, UI Components, Marketplace Design, Dashboards, Component Libraries, Web Design, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design, Mobile UI Design

UX/UI Designer

2022 - 2023
uptraded GmbH
  • 审核当前的设计,并确定用户在旅程中迷失和受挫的地方.
  • 提出设计方案,让用户在app中的体验更加直观,减少不确定性. Created prototypes of the proposed solutions.
  • 准备用户访谈和相应的指导方针和文件,以便客户进行用户测试(从问卷和同意书到相机角度), environment setting, and how to conduct the interviews).
  • Iterated based on real user feedback and analysis.
Technologies: Figma, Mobile Design, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), UX Design, UI Design, Remote User Testing, Scalability, UI Audits, Rapid Prototyping, User Journeys, Design Systems, Iterative Design, Consulting, Mobile App Design, Startups, Navigation Redesign, Scalable Application, MVP Design, Digital Product Design, UX Audits, Web UX, Design, Apps, iOS, Creative Services, Creative Direction, UI Components, Component Libraries, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design, Mobile UI Design

Character Illustrator

2022 - 2023
  • 说明了30个具有可互换特征的动物角色的集合,可以随机创建新的PFP nft(个人资料图片不可替代的令牌).
  • Illustrated a second collection of 50 human characters.
  • 与美术总监合作创造和润色角色, 消除了当角色在生成器中随机化时的摩擦.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Vector Illustration, 2D Graphics, Digital Illustration, Cartoon Illustration, Character Illustration, Procreate, Adobe, Design, Creative Services, Illustration, Creative Direction, Storytelling, UI Components

Mobile UX/UI Designer for Self-guided Tours Mobile App

2022 - 2022
  • 回顾当前应用,评估并确立应用重新设计要实现的目标(主要是可用性和可扩展性).
  • Redesigned the app's structure focusing on user retention.
  • 重新设计用户界面(可视化),使其无缝且不可见.
Technologies: Mobile Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Mockups, Wireframing, Figma, Prototyping, Scalability, UI Audits, Rapid Prototyping, User Journeys, Design Systems, Iterative Design, White Labeling, User Interface (UI), UX Design, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Navigation Redesign, Scalable Application, MVP Design, Digital Product Design, UX Audits, Web UX, UI Design, Design, Apps, Startups, iOS, Creative Services, Creative Direction, UI Components, Marketplace Design, Component Libraries, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design, Mobile UI Design

Lead Designer

2017 - 2022
Witco (ex MonBuilding)
  • 与Witco团队合作,设计白色标签MVP,从投资者那里筹集资金.
  • Designed a scalable, module-based system for the platform, 这使我们能够灵活地调整我们的产品以适应每个客户的需求, depending on the business, number of buildings, companies, and users each client had.
  • Worked on areas of the platform based on client feedback, testing, 随着平台的发展,我们不断迭代设计方案,吸引了更多的客户.
Technologies: Sketch, Zeplin, Notion, Scalability, UI Audits, Rapid Prototyping, Web Design, Web App UI, Design Systems, Iterative Design, White Labeling, User Interface (UI), Mobile Design, UX Design, Figma, Iconography, Mobile App Design, InVision, Digital Illustration, Startups, User Experience (UX), Navigation Redesign, Scalable Application, MVP Design, Digital Product Design, UX Audits, UI Design, Web UX, Design, Apps, SaaS Design, Web Applications, Jira, iOS, Creative Services, Illustration, Creative Direction, UI Components, Marketplace Design, Dashboards, Component Libraries, B2B, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design, Mobile UI Design

Freelance Designer

2010 - 2019
Freelance Work
  • Performed the initial research, created wireframes, 并为本地(特别是iOS)和web应用程序设计了信息架构.
  • 设计iOS和Android移动应用的用户界面.
  • Created websites and landing pages for multiple clients.
  • 为多个客户构建徽标并创建品牌指南.
  • Worked on illustrations for the web and created storyboards.
  • 创建动态和可扩展的设计系统,客户可以继续使用和发展.
Technologies: InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Rapid Prototyping, Iterative Design, User Interface (UI), Mobile Design, Figma, Consulting, Mobile App Design, Startups, Adobe, MVP Design, UI Design, Web UX, Design, Apps, Storyboarding, Web App UI, Jira, iOS, Creative Services, Illustration, Creative Direction, Storytelling, Design Systems, UI Components, Dashboards, Web Design, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design, Mobile UI Design

UI Designer (Tablet and Mobile App Redesign)

2016 - 2017
VisualBlasters LLC (via Toptal)
  • 完成iOS和Android平台逐帧动画应用的重新设计. Used Atomic design principles.
  • 致力于改进用户体验,并针对以前版本中的问题提出替代方法. To test the different options, I provided quick prototypes, allowing us to decide on the best solution.
  • Designed a set of custom icons to be used within the app.
Technologies: InVision, Zeplin, Sketch, UI Audits, Rapid Prototyping, Iterative Design, User Interface (UI), Mobile Design, UX Design, Figma, Iconography, Mobile App Design, Startups, Design Systems, User Experience (UX), Navigation Redesign, Scalable Application, MVP Design, Digital Product Design, UX Audits, UI Design, Web UX, Design, Apps, iOS, Creative Services, Creative Direction, UI Components, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design

Lead Designer

2013 - 2016
  • Designed the Messapps brand and all its assets, including business cards, Keynote presentations, merchandising, and the website.
  • 为纽约大学斯特恩商学院(New York University Stern School of Business)的学生举办移动用户界面设计研讨会.
  • 为iOS和Android创建了多个移动和平板电脑应用程序, 从最初的线框图到最终交付给开发人员的资产. 我还为大多数项目创建了品牌标识、网站和登陆页面.
Technologies: InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Web Design, User Interface (UI), Mobile Design, Iconography, Mobile App Design, Startups, Adobe, MVP Design, UI Design, Web UX, Design, Apps, Storyboarding, Web App UI, Jira, Rapid Prototyping, iOS, Creative Services, Illustration, Creative Direction, Design Systems, UI Components, Dashboards, Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, System Design, Mobile UI Design

Project Manager

2010 - 2012
AY Digital
  • 管理并负责美国的西班牙裔客户.
  • 招聘、培训和协调南美创意团队. We were a fully remote team back in 2010.
  • 组织并分配南美设计团队的项目进度.
  • 用英语和西班牙语为我们的活动和网站进行研究和内容创作.
  • 与设计团队一起为新的潜在客户创建演示文稿.
技术:Adobe Photoshop,项目管理,创意指导,UI组件
2003 - 2006

Bachelor's Degree with Honors in Advertising


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