万卡特拉曼·莱马克里斯Jaishankar, 金融专家 in 印度泰米尔纳德邦的金奈
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验证专家  in 金融



Venky is a seasoned corporate finance and strategy professional with over 13 years of experience with global banks such as 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) and 渣打银行(Standard Chartered). He has led the execution of some of 印度's largest M&一个交易, 比如帝亚吉欧-联合烈酒公司, Sembcorp-Green下文, 拉法基-霍尔辛-暹罗城, 和Ultratech-Jaypee. His choice to freelance is motivated by the variety of opportunities and situations it provides while offering the flexibility to pursue other passions and hobbies.


渣打银行(Standard Chartered)




  • Founded the firm and established a strong base of clients in the corporate finance advisory business.
  • Established strong traction in the real estate space amongst asset owners and real estate funds.
  • Built a strong base of clients for the personal finance advisory business.
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A), 筹款, 企业融资, 私人股本, M&A(买方),M&A(卖方),M&A建模,跨界&A, 贴现现金流(DCF), Microsoft Excel, 微软演示文稿, 微软文字处理软件, 事务比较数据, 可比公司分析, 金融基准测试, 公司简介, 保密资料备忘录(CIM), 行业分析, 投资理论, 客户分析, 私募股权估值, 合资企业发展, 风险投资, 合资企业, 新企业, 早期风险投资, 公司法, 企业分析, 股票估值, DCF估值, 估值分析, 相对估值, 估值倍数, 估值建模, 种子筹款, 交易结构, 构建, 尽职调查, 投资意向书谈判, 投标书, 球场上甲板, 董事会报告, 演讲, 投资者的演讲, 投资者协议, 买家列表, IRR, 敏感性分析, 杜邦分析, 资本预算, 吸积/稀释分析, 杠杆收购模型, 先例交易分析, 交易结构, 复杂交易协议, 企业交易, 事务建模, 事务咨询, 副产品, 股东回报, 股东价值, 股份购买协议, 快速消费品, 清洁能源, 金融建模, 收入预测, 收入 & 费用预测,印度,P&L Forecasting, 财务预测, 销售预测


2018 - 2020
  • Initiated coverage for the technology sector at MAPE and origination two transactions.
  • Covered consumer sector at MAPE and initiated one transaction.
  • Sourced and executed the potential acquisition of Sterling Agro by Nitta Gelatin.
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A), 筹款, 企业融资, 私人股本, M&A(买方),M&A(卖方),M&A建模,跨界&A, 贴现现金流(DCF), Microsoft Excel, 微软演示文稿, 微软文字处理软件, 事务比较数据, 可比公司分析, 金融基准测试, 公司简介, 保密资料备忘录(CIM), 行业分析, 投资理论, 客户分析, 私募股权估值, 风险投资, 合资企业发展, 合资企业, 新企业, 早期风险投资, 公司法, 企业分析, 股票估值, DCF估值, 估值分析, 相对估值, 估值倍数, 估值建模, 种子筹款, 交易结构, 构建, 尽职调查, 投资意向书谈判, 投标书, 球场上甲板, 董事会报告, 演讲, 投资者的演讲, 投资者协议, 买家列表, IRR, 敏感性分析, 杜邦分析, 资本预算, 吸积/稀释分析, 杠杆收购模型, 先例交易分析, 交易结构, 复杂交易协议, 企业交易, 事务建模, 事务咨询, 副产品, 股东回报, 股东价值, 股份购买协议, 快速消费品, 清洁能源, 金融建模, 收入预测, 收入 & 费用预测,印度,P&L Forecasting, 财务预测, 销售预测


2010 - 2016
渣打银行(Standard Chartered)
  • Handled the overall deal execution on a day-to-day basis for the $1 billion acquisition of United Spirits by Diageo Plc in 2013 where the role was a unique one.
  • Oversaw the overall execution of the $400 million sale of LafargeHolcim's cement plant in Sri Lanka to Siam City Cement in 2016. Worked with multiple geographies such as Sri Lanka, 印度, France, and Australia.
  • Managed the entire deal execution for a $200 million fund raise for an apparel and major retailer in 印度 in 2014-15. The deal involved complex structuring given FDI and FII regulations in 印度.
  • Handled modeling all power plants, valuation and diligence for the $2.8 billion sale of Tanjong Power to 1mdb in Malaysia in 2011. I worked out of Singapore and Malaysia during the course of the deal.
  • Executed the $170 million acquisition of Green Infra by Sembcorp in 2014-15. The deal involved a complex and extensive shareholder agreements in addition to valuation and diligence.
  • 致力于2美元.5 billion acquisition and the $600 million acquisition of cement plants of the Jaypee Group by Ultratech as the VP on the transaction.
  • 1美元.0 billion buy-side advisory to a PE fund for the acquisition of a stake in ITES company.
  • 1美元.0 billion sell-side advisory of a voice-based BPO company as the associate on the transaction.
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A), 筹款, 企业融资, 首次公开募股, 私人股本, M&A(买方),M&A(卖方),M&A建模,跨界&A, 贴现现金流(DCF), Microsoft Excel, 微软演示文稿, 微软文字处理软件, 事务比较数据, 可比公司分析, 金融基准测试, 公司简介, 保密资料备忘录(CIM), 行业分析, 投资理论, 客户分析, 私募股权估值, 公司法, 企业分析, 股票估值, DCF估值, 估值分析, 相对估值, 估值倍数, 估值建模, 交易结构, 构建, 尽职调查, 投资意向书谈判, 投标书, 球场上甲板, 董事会报告, 演讲, 投资者的演讲, 投资者协议, 买家列表, IRR, 敏感性分析, 杜邦分析, 资本预算, 吸积/稀释分析, 杠杆收购模型, 先例交易分析, 交易结构, 复杂交易协议, 企业交易, 事务建模, 事务咨询, 副产品, 股东回报, 股东价值, 股份购买协议, 快速消费品, 清洁能源, 金融建模, 收入预测, 收入 & 费用预测,印度,P&L Forecasting, 财务预测, 销售预测


2007 - 2010
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)
  • Built the model for a $10 billion potential inbound acquisition by a Kuwaiti company of a stake in a large integrated 印度n oil and gas major in 2009.
  • Built the model and prepared other analyses and presentations for a $250 million fund raise for an independent power producer in 印度 in 2008.
  • Worked on several IPOs and qualified institutional placements for several power generating companies and United Spirits (印度's largest Spirits Company).
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A), 私人股本, 首次公开募股, 企业融资, 筹款, M&A(买方),M&A(卖方),M&A建模,跨界&A, 贴现现金流(DCF), Microsoft Excel, 微软演示文稿, 微软文字处理软件, 事务比较数据, 可比公司分析, 金融基准测试, 公司简介, 保密资料备忘录(CIM), 行业分析, 投资理论, 客户分析, 私募股权估值, 公司法, 企业分析, 股票估值, DCF估值, 估值分析, 相对估值, 估值倍数, 估值建模, 交易结构, 构建, 尽职调查, 投标书, 球场上甲板, 董事会报告, 演讲, 投资者的演讲, 买家列表, IRR, 敏感性分析, 杜邦分析, 资本预算, 吸积/稀释分析, 杠杆收购模型, 先例交易分析, 交易结构, 企业交易, 事务建模, 事务咨询, 副产品, 股东回报, 股东价值, 金融建模, 收入预测, 收入 & 费用预测,印度,P&L Forecasting, 财务预测, 销售预测


2004 - 2007
  • Worked on the audit of several multi-national companies such as Unilever, 圣戈班, 融合法雷奥, 等.
  • Performed the Sarbanes Oxley implementation and review for Unilever.
  • Performed tax audits of clients such as Unilever, 圣戈班, 融合法雷奥, 等.
Focus areas: 审计, Microsoft Excel, 尽职调查, 演讲, 印度
2002 - 2007

Chartered Accountancy in 企业融资, 会计, 税收, 审计

Institute of Chartered Accountants of 印度 - Chennai, 印度

2002 - 2005

Bachelor of 商务 Degree in 会计 and 商务


2021年5月- 2024年5月




公司财务、合并 & 收购(M&A), 筹款, 私人股本, 贴现现金流(DCF), 可比公司分析, 金融基准测试, 投资理论, M&A(买方),M&A(卖方),M&一个建模, 私募股权估值, 股票估值, DCF估值, 估值分析, 估值倍数, 资本预算, 事务建模, 金融建模, 收入 & 费用预测,P&L预测,跨界&A, 风险投资, 估值建模, 杠杆收购模型, 交易结构, 会计, 税收, 种子筹款, 尽职调查


Microsoft Excel, 微软演示文稿, 微软文字处理软件


保密资料备忘录(CIM), Consumer Products, 新企业




个人理财管理, 公司简介, 事务比较数据, 行业分析, 客户分析, M&A管道管理, 相对估值, 投标书, 球场上甲板, 董事会报告, 演讲, 投资者的演讲, 买家列表, IRR, 敏感性分析, 杜邦分析, 吸积/稀释分析, 先例交易分析, 股东回报, 股东价值, 收入预测, 财务预测, 销售预测, 交易结构, 构建, 投资意向书谈判, 投资者协议, 复杂交易协议, 企业交易, 事务咨询, 副产品, 股份购买协议, 快速消费品, 清洁能源, 商务, 审计, 首次公开募股, 合资企业发展, 合资企业, 早期风险投资, 公司法, 企业分析



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