Nicolas Debaene, Developer in Paris, France
Nicolas is available for hire
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Nicolas Debaene

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Machine Learning Developer

Paris, France
Toptal Member Since
April 1, 2020

拥有巴黎高科电信工程硕士学位和数据科学专业, 五年来,Nicolas一直在使用机器学习和数据挖掘解决具体的商业案例. His experience in the eCommerce, banking, 咨询行业给了他非常强大的技术组合和对不同业务类型的深刻理解.


Debaene Analytics
Python, TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, Backtesting Trading Strategies...
Common Metal LLC
Data Science, Python, Blockchain, GPT...
Debaene Analytics
Python 3, PyTorch, Solidity, Blockchain, Recommendation Systems, Forecasting...




Preferred Environment

PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, SQL, Ubuntu, Windows, Python

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Data Scientist | Algorithmic Trading

2022 - PRESENT
Debaene Analytics
  • 利用TensorFlow开发交易模型,预测ETH/USD和BTC/USD永续合约的波动.
  • Built a backtesting framework to test the strategy.
  • Created an end-to-end trading and investment pipeline to run the strategy in production.
Technologies: Python, TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, Backtesting Trading Strategies, Options Trading, Data Engineering, Unit Testing, Time Series, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Quantitative Analysis, Predictive Modeling, XGBoost, Financial Forecasting, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Data Scientist with Blockchain Experience for an Investment Company

2022 - 2023
Common Metal LLC
  • Designed a POC to develop a recruiting tool based on Machine Learning.
  • Built a Python tool to extract skills from any resume (NLP).
  • Developed an attrition model to predict employee attrition.
Technologies: Data Science, Python, Blockchain, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), GPT, Predictive Modeling, XGBoost, Matplotlib

Data Scientist for Algorithmic Trading | Blockchain Developer

2021 - 2022
Debaene Analytics
  • 开发了一种算法(使用Python进行链下),在Polygon和Binance智能链上寻找套利机会(三角套利).
  • 使用Solidity构建智能合约,通过三角交易从这些机会中获利, and using flash loans when needed.
  • 创建了一个在Avalanche去中心化交易所上运行的交易算法——一个使用区块链事件数据和技术分析预测一对代币价格的回归模型.
  • 开发了一个NFT推荐引擎,从OpenSea和LooksRare收集数据,并预测未来几周内任何NFT收藏品的估计底价.
Technologies: Python 3, PyTorch, Solidity, Blockchain, Recommendation Systems, Forecasting, Backtesting Trading Strategies, Code Review, Quantitative Modeling, Web3.js, JavaScript, TensorFlow, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Smart Contracts

Credit Score Modeling

2021 - 2021
PJ Lhuillier Group of Companies - Main
  • Designed and developed an accurate, useful, 以及稳定的信用风险模型,对具有现有贷款历史的客户进行评分,以评估其偿还未来贷款的能力.
  • Created a second model to score prospects with no historical loan data.
  • 根据公司可容忍的违约率,制定了平衡违约率和接受率的最佳授信策略.
Technologies: Data Science, Credit Scores, Modeling, Data Analysis, Code Review, Data Mining, Matplotlib, IPython, Predictive Modeling, XGBoost, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Data Scientist (NLP)

2020 - 2021
  • 使用机器学习和Python从零开始开发产品分类模型(NLP),根据描述和标题自动对电子商务应用程序中的产品进行分类.
  • 指定模型自动对公司电子商务应用程序中在拉丁美洲8个不同国家销售的400万种不同类别的产品进行分类, from fresh food, like fruits or meats, to beauty products.
  • Productionized the model that runs automatically when onboarding new products.
  • 开发了一个匹配工具,使用自然语言处理将新的入职产品与电子商务应用程序目录中已经存在的产品进行匹配, using standard information from products already verified from the catalog.
Technologies: eCommerce, Data Visualization, Jupyter, NumPy, Pandas, Data Analytics, Docker, Scikit-learn, Git, Text Classification, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), GPT, SQL, Machine Learning, Python, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Code Review, Interviewing, Technical Hiring, Data Mining, Matplotlib, Predictive Modeling, XGBoost, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Data Scientist

2019 - 2020
BNP Paribas
  • 为法国巴黎银行企业和机构银行的银行家提供人工智能工具.
  • 通过预测外汇产品销售的演变来检测潜在的流失(时间序列预测方法,如ARIMA和自动编码器神经网络).
  • Participated in the development of a CV screening tool used by the Human Resources area. 开发了一种算法来找到阅读简历的最佳路径(旅行推销员问题):对人类来说很直观,但对机器来说很难解决.).
  • 合作开发一种光学字符识别工具,以图像格式(区域神经网络)从发票中提取信息, recurrent neural network).
  • 为CRM系统开发了一个文本分类工具,用于对银行家和银行客户之间的会议描述进行评分(分数高意味着描述明确且信息丰富).).
  • 参与将ETL管道(用于为银行创建KPI仪表板)从Alteryx迁移到Spark.
Technologies: Docker, Text Classification, Forecasting, Recommendation Systems, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Visualization, Scrum, Agile Software Development, PySpark, Tableau, Spark, Jupyter, Computer Vision, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Git, Linux, Keras, PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, SQL, Python, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Code Review, Interviewing, Data Mining, Matplotlib, IPython, OCR, Time Series, Predictive Modeling, XGBoost, Financial Forecasting, Document Processing, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Data Scientist

2017 - 2018
CDiscount (eCommerce)
  • Designed and developed an accurate, useful, and stable credit risk model for payment in four installments on the company's selling platform.
  • Initiated the production of new, improved credit scoring models every three months.
  • 优化了信用评分模型,对每一位日访问量达100万的客户进行实时评分, implying building a very fast computing model.
  • Integrated new data sources and solutions into credit risk strategies.
  • Interpreted data science models and gave business recommendations to senior leaders.
Technologies: Docker, eCommerce, Credit Risk, Data Visualization, Scrum, Agile Software Development, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Git, Linux, Keras, PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, SQL, Python, A/B Testing, Data Mining, Time Series, XGBoost, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Junior Data Scientist

2017 - 2017
  • Created a predictive maintenance model for a transport company using machine learning (data cleaning, gradient boosting trees, and detecting very rare events).
  • 创建一个文本分类方法的基准,目的是为公司开发一个聊天机器人.
  • 为法国国家社会组织处理和分析数据,以发现津贴分配中的金钱损失.
Technologies: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Jupyter, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Git, Linux, Keras, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Python

Customer Churn Detection

While working at BNP Paribas, 我开发了一个统计和机器学习模型来检测银行客户中潜在的流失. 我创建了一个基于时间序列预测的方法来预测每个客户在明年会要求的外汇转账金额. The bankers could then take steps to retain the client. 我开发了一个统计时间序列预测(ARIMA模型),并使用深度学习自回归模型来实现更好的性能.

Data Scientist
•指定模型自动对公司电子商务应用程序在拉丁美洲八个不同国家销售的400万种产品进行分类(从生鲜食品开始), like fruits or meats, to beauty products).
• Productionized the model that runs automatically when onboarding new products.

Credit Score Modeling

• Designed and developed an accurate, useful, 以及稳定的信用风险模型,对具有现有贷款历史的客户进行评分,以评估其偿还未来贷款的能力
• Created a second model to score prospects with no historical loan data


Python, SQL, Python 3, Snowflake, Solidity, JavaScript, R


Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, TensorFlow, XGBoost, Keras, PyTorch, Web3.js, PySpark


IPython, Git, Jupyter, Tableau, PyCharm, Apache Airflow


Anomaly Detection, Data Science, ETL, Agile Software Development, Unit Testing, Scrum


Blockchain, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ubuntu, Jupyter Notebook, Docker, Linux, Windows


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Time Series, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Deep Learning, Credit Risk, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, eCommerce, Credit Scores, Modeling, Backtesting Trading Strategies, Linear Algebra, Algorithms, Code Review, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Quantitative Modeling, Options Trading, Financial Forecasting, Data Engineering, A/B Testing, Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), OCR, Document Processing, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Recommendation Systems, Forecasting, Bayesian Statistics, Interviewing, Technical Hiring, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Quantitative Analysis, Text Classification, Statistics, Software, Physics, Big Data



2015 - 2017

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Telecom ParisTech - Paris, France

2012 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

Telecom ParisTech - Paris, France

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